Links & Publications

I'm proud to have published the essay "Textile Trajectories - On Ancestry and Artmaking" in Tint Journal: cloud

In March 2021, I started writing for, a polyphone platform for art criticism.
Every review includes at least three perspectives on the given artwork, exhibition or other cultural text.
Our latest pieces can be read here: cloud

Since early 2021 I'm a member of the Elsa Plainacher collective, we do work on feminism, representation and commemoration in public space and are named after the one woman who was burned as a witch in Vienna in 1583. Check out our Instagram: cloud

My poem Translation ban has been published in Tint Journal's Spring '20 issue. cloud

Poet Sára Köhnlein and myself have made a contribution to the hufak's E-Zine
"We don't want to go back to normal - normal isn't working". cloud

Our TransArts project ShortShorts, a series of short films addressing the new conditions of working,
researching, idling for inspiration in our homes, emptier-than-usual streets and digital space
that the global pandemic has confronted us with, was screened at Angewandte Festival.
I contributed poetry readings dubbed with video material from my archive on transparency and reflection. cloud

Other Projects

Translation and Language Services cloud
Fair Food Spotting cloud